Pop-Up Opera in Schools

With accessible programming for grades K-12, OperaDelaware will introduce Delaware’s youth to the fun, creativity, and power of live opera singers. We can perform in your theater, auditorium, or outside. The Pop-Up Opera truck allows us to set up our portable stage in your parking lot or football field for a fantastic outdoor performance that allows us to reach the maximum number of students in a safe environment. Help us create “Opera for All” by making the arts accessible and fun in our community.


Education Programs

HISTORY: OperaDelaware was founded in 1945 by a group of local artists who wanted to make lasting connections with its community. We are a company that still retains the founders’ original philosophy of “Opera for Everyone.” Some highlights include:  

  • OperaDelaware’s education programs provide quality arts education to under-served students in various Title 1 schools throughout Wilmington.

  • Highlands Arts Alliance (formerly the Warner-Shortlidge Arts Alliance): OperaDelaware helped to develop this long-term, comprehensive arts program that brings seven arts organizations together to adopt grades in under-served schools so that children will learn and grow through the expressive arts.

  • The Neighborhood Choir Initiative: In order to responsibly build our reach and impact in our neighborhoods, OperaDelaware formed a partnership with the Wilmington Children’s Chorus to provide an after-school program that offers beginning choral training to children in 3rd through 5th grades. We address the problem of getting the child to choir rehearsal by “bringing the choir to the child”. This satellite-site model creates smaller choirs based in community centers and schools throughout the area. 

    Through this program we reach youth who have traditionally not had access to such exposure to a classical musical style. The satellite-site model has been used with great success, as exemplified by the Chicago Children’s Choir’s use of “Neighborhood Choirs” to reach a more diverse group of youth.  

    The Neighborhood Choir launched its successful pilot full-year program in 2014 at the Warner School (3rd-5th grade), providing beginning choral training to children who rehearsed once a week for a 12-week residency, culminating in a collaborative rehearsal and joint concert with the Wilmington Children’s Chorus.

    Since then, the Neighborhood Choir program has also expanded into a 22-week music training program for over 200 1st to 5th grade students who are registered for the Latin American Community Center After-School Programs. The three LACC Neighborhood Choir sites are Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School, Lewis Dual Language Elementary School and the Kingswood Community Center.

    The Neighborhood Choir Program culminates in a public concert at the end of each school year.

  • Children’s performances & student dress rehearsals: OperaDelaware also presents family-friendly operas (often in partnership with Peabody Opera Outreach). Recent productions include The Three Little Pigs and Papageno (2015), Hansel & Gretel (2018), and The Hiding Tree (2019). Students also have access to free/low-cost tickets to dress rehearsals for certain productions. Educators interested in bringing students to a dress rehearsal performance should contact OD General Director Brendan Cooke at bcooke@operade.org.

Ask An Opera Singer

Students from the Wilmington Children's Chorus and the Neighborhood Choir Program asked OperaDelaware’s Fall 2022 Resident Artist, baritone Eric McKeever, a few questions about life as an opera singer. From technique, to memorizing Italian, French, and Russian, these students asked some great questions and Eric is always ready to share his love of opera with new people!

Curiosity is key!
What questions do YOU have about opera?

Email your questions to kotano@operade.org - we want to hear from you!


Welcome to our Virtual Neighborhood Choir! The Wilmington Children’s Chorus and OperaDelaware have teamed up to provide virtual “mini” music lessons for kids to do at home. Lessons will include singing, free movement, body percussion, and mindfulness, and are designed for your child to join in with their teacher.

Everyone is welcome in our Virtual Neighborhood! Check out a few of our favorite episodes below, then head to OperaDelaware’s YouTube channel to see a full video archive. Remember to #keepsinging!



This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.